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3 Signs It’s Time To Get New Glasses

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Did you know that people spend an average of seven hours every day staring at screens? What’s more, studies have shown that a whopping 68% of people regularly use more than one digital screen at the same time. This could mean using a smartphone while watching TV, a laptop while on a tablet, or any other combination of similar digital devices.


How Do I Know If I Need New Glasses?

If you’re constantly tethered to your electronic devices, it’s important to learn to recognize when you need a change for better, more comfortable vision.

Don’t let your vision suffer because of too much screen time! Visit your Burlington eye doctors at Dr. Patricia Fink Optometry  and make sure you have the perfect pair of new glasses to give you crisp, comfortable vision all day long.

3 Signs You Need New Glasses:

Changes in your vision:

If you experience vision problems like blurry or double vision or if you have to squint in order to read or see objects clearly, it may be time to visit us for a comprehensive eye exam. New glasses with an updated lens prescription may be just what you need to get your vision back on track.

Eye strain and fatigue when doing computer or other close work:

If you work on your computer or other digital screens for significant parts of your day, you may experience symptoms such as neck pain, headaches, and dry eyes. These can signal a condition known as digital eye strain. Along with a new prescription, you may also consider speaking to our eye doctors about special anti-glare and anti-blue-light coatings for your lenses, to provide an additional layer of protection.

Lots of time in the sun:

Long periods of time in the sun either as leisure or as part of a job that requires a lot of time outside, can cause your eyes to become irritated. Prescription sunglasses with a gray tint and a high rating for UV protection can help keep vision clear and comfortable while you’re out and about.


Written by Dr. Patricia Fink

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